EL6478 - A scarce 1848 pattern Household Cavalry trooper's sword. This example does not carry any regimental mark that I can see, so it could have been carried by the 1st or 2nd Life Guards, or the Royal Horse Guards. The blade is 35.5 inches, and as these came in a variety of lengths and were sometimes shortened, I suspect it was originally a bit longer, but probably shortened to this length in the 1860s or 70s, or perhaps on the eve of Egyptian service in 1882. The blade has been professionally service sharpened, which means that this sword either went to the Crimea in 1854, or Egypt in 1882 (the only two places the Household Division served during this period). Probably the latter. After the Egyptian campaign of 1882 this pattern of sword was retired from service, and for that reason we often find these 1848 patterns well service sharpened, presumably because they were retired from service straight after the campaign. The scabbard is sadly missing (as with nearly all the examples I have owned), but the sword is one of the best condition examples of this pattern that I have seen, having a bright blade, good grip with some of the wire remaining (they are usually missing all their wire), and that famous bright brass pommel cap. A rare sword in great condition, which pretty much certainly saw active service in the hand of one of Britain's elite cavalrymen.