Antique Arms For Sale


Early 18th Century Iron-Hilted Smallsword

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Product Details

EL6739 - An early 18th century iron-hilted smallsword. Featuring a plain 32.5 inch triangular blade, firm in the hilt, and pierced iron hilt. Swirling floral file work to the guard and pommel, with finely proportioned iron knucklebow and diminutive finger rings. It features a fairly scarce original cord and leather-covered grip, which is 90% intact. A little bit of loss to the leather at the top and bottom of the grip, a slight waisting to the base of the blade, and a little bit missing in the fine hollow pommel, but otherwise all solid and complete. A good, honest, early example with full blade length.

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Early 18th Century Iron-Hilted Smallsword
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