EL6782 - A fairly scarce 1898 pattern sergeant's sword, by Wilkinson, from Edward VII's reign. This example was manufactured in 1903, but carried various markings suggesting it was passed through a few different units, before ending up with a Volunteer unit in 1908. It has been service sharpened, and this most likely happened in 1914, with the outbreak of WW1, when all branches of service were ordered to sharpen swords, cutlasses, lances and bayonets. The 1898 pattern differs in a few key aspects from the officer's 1897 pattern - it has a simpler guard design, a checkered thumb placer instead of the fully checkered backpiece, a plain un-decorated blade, and is overall a bit heavier and more robust than typical officer's examples. This is a good example of the pattern, with various markings to reveal and research. The blade is clean and bright, but the hilt would benefit from careful cleaning. The grip is very good and everything is tight and solid. The scabbard has been painted black, but appears in very good condition also.