Antique Arms For Sale


1885 Pattern Cavalry Sword by WKC

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Product Details

EL6924 - A good 1885 pattern cavalry trooper's sword by WKC of Solingen, with numerous markings. This sword was first issued in 1886, and then apparently in 1887 and 1889, and it carried both Solingen and Birmingham approval markings, so it is likely to have been tested and approved as part of the 'sword scandal' of the 1880s. It carried numerous markings, many of which I don't know, and despite having what appear to be Yeomanry markings, the blade has been very seriously service sharpened. The blade is in excellent condition and still rather sharp. The hilt with pleasing patina and no notable pitting, the scabbard also in very good condition. Everything tight and solid, with very good leather grips. A nice example of the pattern, with research potential.

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1885 Pattern Cavalry Sword by WKC
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